CU's and ECU's are the camera shots which are chosen be used by the director in the opening sequence of this film. The two different camera shots allow the audience to pay attention to detail and focus on what is being shown to you on screen and the different images in order to start connecting them together and gain an understand of the film.
Editing -
The speed of the images and transitions increases throughout the opening. The sound also increases along with it emphasizing the speed and the pace it is picking up. The images are all shown to dissolve and cut between each other and the different types of transitions allow the audience to piece the images together and start to gain an understand of the film.
Sound -
Non-diegetic sound increases in pitch and volume throughout the sequence and it works parallel to both the camera work and the editing. The music increases in time with the editing and allows the audience to make connections.
Mise-en-scene- The opening sequence of the film focuses on the use of props and the ways in which they are used to portray the danger of the forthcoming events. The light font on a dark background allows the writing of the names to stand out whilst still presenting to the audience the darkness in the persona's life by keeping the scene dark. The images which are shown to the audience denote that this thriller is perhaps a horror thriller and the director has taken a hybrid approach to the film by adding a sense of horror meaning that the film can have a much deeper meaning as there is more to change and this way the mise-en-sense is important in portraying this to the audience.