I have been trying to find information on different costumes for us to use in our opening however I found it very difficult to find different information about costumes without a story line.
We now know what we are doing and so now we have an idea for our costumes.
The male - Killer - The mise-en-scene of our two minute opening requires our characters to dress as if they're attending a wedding and therefore we have to dress the male character in a smart black and white suit in order to fit the wedding theme.
The female - Girls - We decided that we are going to shoot the girl in separate parts like the leg, arm and head. Because of this we only need to find a ring, vial and a shoe which will fit in with the idea of a wedding.
We hope that the items of clothing we have picked will match the mise-en-scene and therefore depict a wedding. Through research I discovered that there is not one specific style of outfits which is usually seen in a thriller but that isn't the outfits usually depict the story line and the roles the characters are meant to be playing within it. Therefore I believe that the costumes chosen will work well for our opening.