Sunday, 26 September 2010

Research - What music do people prefer in thrillers?

From the research that we carried out we were able to find that different people expected different types of music from thrillers and preferred different types of music.
For example some people said they would prefer there to be music in the background of a scene to have no words and be a simple instrumental peace which is just being used to add pace and to dramatize the scene and allows you to focus on what's happening instead of listening to the words of the song.
Other people said that they prefer to hear music which starts slow and increases in pace throughout the peace of music, they also said that if the music was instrumental or had lyrics it didn't matter to them as long as the music itself did what they expected it to do in a thriller and that was to make the sense seem more intense.
Some answers simply stated they preferred to hear fast music as they expected to see scenes of chasing for the music to accompany.
Nearly all said they prefer the volume of the music to be loud or increase in volume but very rarely to never to be slow.

What is their favourite thriller and why? When people were asked what there favourite films where they named some classic examples of thrillers which are widely recognised. Some of the answers where: 
 Presumed Innocent this was named as a favourite thriller, one of the reasons this was named as a favourite thriller was because of the twists and turns in the story line, the audience liked the unpredictable plot. Sixth Scenes was another film which was named as favourite, it followed the same reasons for being picked as a favourite as the other film other film, however the questioned added that the film as it was a very 'clever' and it was not understood until the very end. Psycho was picked for being a 'classic' thriller film, fitting all you expect and want from a thriller film. Do they have memorable openings? There were varied responses when people where answering if there favourite film had a memorable opening and the different answers show the importance of an opening as two out of three answers which we have chosen to speak about claimed there favourite film did a memorable opening. Presumed Innocent was the only film that out of the three where the opening wasn't particularly memorable or remembered at all, despite the fact the opening was not easily recalled the film was still chosen as a favourite. Sixth Scenes when asked if this films opening was memorable the answers was yes, the responce included how the main character gets stabbed right at the begging and how it sticks in your mind through out the rest of the film and how this particular opening has an impact on the film. Psycho was said to have a memorable title sequence, and the music, colours - black and white - , pace of the writing and images (the lines) on the screen where all well remembered. 

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